Sunday, 5 June 2011

A zoo that I don't hate

I hate zoos. I find them to be simply a waste of time to visit. Perhaps it's an adult thing. But, I'm sure kids and adults alike who have visited the Knies Kinderzoo (kids zoo) ( will only have good stories to tell.

The Knies Kinderzoo is located near the old city of Rapperswill, about an hour drive from Zurich. What's interesting about this zoo is that you get the chance to pat the animals, including rhinos, giraffes, sea lions etc. So, there's a more real, close encounter with the animals than just watching from distant.

Just look at the cute face!
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Vergütung der Reisekosten in der IV

Translated ... "Reimbursement of travel expenses in the IV"

I just learned that all the travel expenses that I incurred during the period of Lyris stay in hospital after birth are all reimbursable. What I spent wasnt so much, probably around 200CHF (it aint cheap to park at Unispital Zurich, plus fuel), but It would have been nice if I knew it earlier. A missed opportunity ..

Monday, 23 May 2011

Jom meet up! 2011

Through some adhoc suggestions and ideas on Facebook turned into a big picnic in Zurich (